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Workshops and other wonderful things




“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”                                                                                                                              Terry Pratchett


Tune-up workshops are an ideal opportunity to revisit the 'I' in you, whilst refocusing  your thoughts on returning you back the very best version of yourself. It seeks to allow you to work inclusively using a range of techniques  as you develop an understanding of what or how you would like to shape your future endeavours.


The workshops are for 6 weeks with guided meditation; reviewing your own journey through a series of tasks, a regression session and creating an empathy map to signpost you to your personally built future. The group works to support each other as you develop back to your full bloom. In essence, each participant works to develop fully their Thymus Chakra. This is where we can modify our thoughts and empathy map as our physical body responds to these thoughts. When we think it and become it, what we think is what we get....It can be used to manifest a sense of healing and joy as you use it to reconnect to your higher self.


Within this small workshop you can start to make changes of your own about whatever you want to in a safe, confidential environment. Lasting 2 hours all material and equipment is provided, just arrive with an open mind and the willingness to challenge yourself to change what is and embrace what comes.  


                                      "I seek and embrace positivity in my life."




Workshop total cost include all material, course booklet, and held online  £60.00 with a £10.00 reduction if paid in full 5 working days before the start of the course. 11 am - 4 pm


Student group~ £40.00 This is focused on providing you with all the support you need to get through the tough rigours of your last year at university. It is held one evening a week for six weeks and follows the same pathway as above but you will be with like minded students making the same journey as yourself. Rates are significantly reduced so please do not hesitate to call and book your place for the next course starting soon, dates are available via email. Book now and get ahead ........



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