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About Me


Phillipa Kanini - Parsons
BA (Hons), MA, P.G.C.E, Ct Hyp, DipRTh



"Be the change you seek."


"I am a practicing hypnotherapist and Deific artist who works sympathetically with others as they seek to improve and enhance their lives. I enjoy this spiritual based exploration of the self."


After 24 years in Education and the Design Industry I chose to be the change I sort, so I branched out into alternative avenues which has given me the opportunity engage with clients in a different and a new meaningful way. I enjoy providing a positive outcomes that create change in the lives of others. 


Art is an expression for me to communicate my thoughts and reflections on the world we live in. Combined with my psychic work it provides a platform for me to draw closer the two worlds. I really enjoy this part of my work and relish working in this medium. I would encourage everyone to take a walk down this route of exploration as a way resolve and to draw closer to your loved ones.


I work with relationship graphs purely because I find they are a succinct way for clients to get to the nub of issues and how they can integrate with the problem they are facing. This is a allows clients to embrace what needs to change. I enjoy so much having this opportunity to help facilitate a fundamental resolution.  This method of working with clients is both for businesses and individuals working on self limiting problems. 


Sometimes, we are confronted with links to our past traumas that can only be resolved through facing into them to find a solution. I enjoy accompanying clients as they resolve a life-time fear or to stop a pattern of behaviour that has sort to under mind their confidence in any area of their life. I believe in hypnotherapy as a tool for making a difference over time in addressing difficult to approach problems, through the art of relaxation and trance. It sounds simple and in the main it is, by taking that first step clients find they can release energy that assist them to find closure for their issues.    


 I provide these services from a specially designed therapy room. The right environment is important as it works to put you at ease as we explore and resolve difficult issues in your life.   


“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” 

Albert Einstein


Hypnotherapy and Regression therapies are marvellous tools for helping you address a range of personal problems that are often unique to you. In particular; phobias and fears that are rooted in personal experiences that can not be readily shared and so needs treatments that is centred on you as the individual as we strive for a resolution. Trauma whether past or present needs time and a safe environment for its exploration and its healing. But this process remains a positive way to address these issues. 


I currently practice both in the London, United Kingdom  and Melbourne, Australia. With the current change is how we meet, I am so happy to organise Zoom or Teams meet up for working with clients. Energy is energy and there is still a perfect connection and this has enabled me to work with a greater group of clients.

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